CY PeptLab

PeptLab, a multidisciplinary technology platform for research, was founded as an Interdepartmental Laboratory in September 2004 by the ex Department of Organic Chemistry, the ex Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the ex Department of Neurological Sciences of the University of Florence.

Since 2009, the PeptLab of the University of Florence (Italy) was formally joined to the French Platform PetLab@UCP at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). This was made possible thanks to the Chaire d'Excellence awarded to Prof. Anna Maria Papini with financial support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche of the French Ministry of Education and Research (2009-2013).

The main idea of the project was the organization of a European Network for providing innovative R&D strategies toward the pursuit of peptide-based diagnostics and vaccines.

PeptLab@UCP, now CY PeptLab, as one of the CY Cergy-Paris University’s Open Innovation Labs, in an Innovation platform specialising in the preparation of natural or synthetic peptides. The platform provides private and public sector laboratories with design, synthesis, purification and characterisation services for peptides and proteins and their analogues in the fields of health, cosmetics, well-being, cultural heritage and the environment.

CY PeptLab

Presentation of CY-PeptLab_video

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