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Molecular Diagnostics and Life Sciences (MOD&LS) is a specialized laboratory for molecular diagnostics part of the competence centre RISE (Rete di Infrastrutture di ricerca industriale per SErvizi avanzati alle imprese innovative – Network of infrastructures of industrial research for incubation and advanced services to innovative companies) of the University of Florence, whose constitution was funded by the Tuscany Region PAR FAS 2007-2013, P.I.R. 1.3 linea di azione 1 “infrastrutture per settori produttivi.
MOD&LS has a multidisciplinary approach based on innovative analytical technologies. Starting from chemistry and physics, MOD&LS is oriented toward biology and engineering, with applications in the fields of the life sciences (biomedical field), the well-being (food, cosmetics and safety) and the cultural heritage. The laboratory aims at offering high quality services for the setup of diagnostic methodologies and of measurements of chemical, physical and biological parameters. It integrates multidisciplinary knowledge and competences for the essential feedback between fundamental research and final applications of industrial interest with the goal of accelerating innovation and technology transfer, solving in relatively short time the specific problems that are of interest for companies.
The laboratory has an advanced instrumentation that includes peptide microwave-assisted automatic synthesizer (Liberty Blue, Cem), UPLC-MS system (Dionex, Thermo) for analytical characterization, Schroll vacuum pumps 20m3 and 6m3, rotavapor, benchtop lyophilizer (LIO-5P), microplate washer and microplate reader (Tecan), Biacore T 100 (Ge Healthcare), microbiology safety cabinet with UV lamp and support stand with wheels, laboratory fridge (from +2°C to +20°C) and freezer (from -25°C to -5°C).
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