Laboratories and instrumentation

The laboratories of PeptLab are located in part at the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, in part at the Department NeuroFarBa and in part at RISE (Rete di Infrastrutture di ricerca industriale per l’incubazione e per servizi avanzati alle imprese innovative) competence centre – MOD&LS labs. The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation supporting the development of peptide-based research projects and training in life and material sciences.


Department of Chemistry

  • Waters Alliance 2695 separation module coupled with a 996 PDA detector and a Micromass ZQ mass spectrometer
  • Waters 600 HPLC system with 2487 Dual λ absorbance detector
  • Biotage Isolera One for flash chromatography
  • Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
  • 5P lyophilizer with Edwards XDS35i scroll vacuum pump
  • CEM Liberty Blue 2.0 microwave peptide synthesizer
  • Fisher refrigerated benchtop centrifuge
  • Minicentrifuge (2 x)
  • Tubes rotator
  • Rotary evaporator
  • laboratory ovens (2 x)
  • FPLC Äkta
  • Eppendorf concentrator 5301
  • Heidolf Synthesis 1 - Multiple-Evaporator
  • Class IIb biosafety cabinet
  • Gibertini precision balance
  • Fisher analytical balance
  • Gibertini micro balance 
  • +2°C to +20°C fridges and -20°C to -2°C freezers

Department NeuroFarBa

  • pH-meter
  • Biosafety cabinet
  • Precision balance
  • Centrifuge with temperature control
  • centrifuge rotor
  • Gradient thermal cycler
  • Ettan LC chromatography system with autosampler
  • Waters Aquity UPLC system
  • Inverted microscope
  • Tecan Infinity F50 microplate reader
  • Tecan Sunrise microplate reader
  • microplate washer
  • orbital mixing
  • Milli Q water purification system
  • Electrophoresis system
  • +2°C to +20°C fridges and -20°C to -2°C freezers



  • SPR Biacore X100 (Ge Healthcare)
  • UHPLC Thermo scientific Ultimate 3000 accoppiato a spettrometro Thermo finnigan LTQ
  • 5P lyophilizer with Edwards XDS35i scroll vacuum pump
  • Gyros Protein Technologies PurePep Chorus peptide synthesizer
  • Teledyne ISCO CombiFlash nextgen 300+ for flash chromatography
  • Stuart BioClass rotary evaporator
  • Nuve NF benchtop centrifuge
  • Fisher analytical balance
  • +2°C to +20°C fridge and -20°C to -2°C freezer

Last update



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