Sara Aquilia

PhD Student in Chemical Sciences
Research Project: Development of macromolecular and cross-linked materials based on proteins/peptides from vegetable or animal sources

Short Biography:

Sara Aquilia received her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Material Chemistry with final degree mark of 105/110 in 2018 at University of Bologna, Italy. She then received her Master degree in Chemistry with honors in 2021 at the University of Bologna, Italy. She carried out the curricular internship at the Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie of Bordeaux, France. Afterwards, she moved to Padua to join the group of Prof. Formaggio at University of Padua, where she worked as research fellow from June 2021 to December 2021. She is now doing a PhD in Chemical Science at University of Florence, Italy, in collaboration with SpinPet company working on the development of macromolecular and cross-linked materials based on proteins/peptides from vegetable or animal source.


Curriculum Vitae

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