Short Biography:
Master degree in Chemical Sciences obtained at the University of Burgos (Spain) in 2005. PhD in Chemical Sciences obtained at the University of Florence (Italy) in 2009, thesis entitled "Modified glycopeptides to investigate antigen-antibody interaction in Multiple Sclerosis".
Post-doc at the University of Florence (2009-2011) performing the synthesis, scale-up, purification, and characterization of modified amino acids and bioactive peptides further tested using different techniques, i.e. immunoenzymatic (ELISA), optical (SPR, optical tweezers) and electrochemical (cyclic voltammetry, faradic impedance) for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.
Winner of an “Alta Formazione” fellowship granted by Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena (2011) which financed the Post-doc at the Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris, France) to set-up of a new electrochemical piezoelectric detection system applied to peptide-antibody detection (2011). In the context of this price, she was involved as Researcher in the technology transfer of this new technique to the Tuscan industry Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l. (Siena, Italy) in the period 2012-2014. Other tasks developed in this period included the synthesis, purification and screening of peptides as farmaceutical/diagnostic compounds in accordance with GLP.
“Assegnista di Ricerca” at the University of Florence to set-up of techniques (SPR, ELISA) and screening of new lead compounds for diagnosis of autoimmune diseases based on modified glycopeptides (2014-2020). Set-up of a new detection methodology to quantify anti-drug antibodies in SPR.
Technologist at PeptLab working on the EU LIFE project MILCH “Mother and Infant dyads: Lowering the impact of endocrine disrupting Chemicals in milk for a Healthy Life” (2020-2022) to quantify Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in biological fluids.
Since 2022 Researcher of the National Research Council of Italy as member of the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds.
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