Matilde Rossi

PhD Student in Chemical Sciences
Research Project: Development of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) based molecules targeting specific DNA G-quadruplex structures. Tutor: Carla Bazzicalupi, cotutors: Paola Gratteri and Anna Maria Papin

Short Biography

I am currently a PhD student in Chemical Sciences at the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Shiff”
of the University of Florence. In 2020 I obtained the 1st level Degree in Chemical Sciences at
the University of Florence with a grade of 109/100 with the Thesis “Synthesis of a
glucosylceramide mimic potential pharmacological chaperone of the GCase enzyme”,
supervisor Prof. Francesca Cardona. In 2023 I obtained the 2nd level Degree in Chemical
Sciences, with a focus on the Chemistry of Biological Molecules, at the University of Florence
with a grade of 110/110 cum laude with the Master Thesis “Development of peptide-based
modulators of the CaMKII/Shank3 and Homer3/Shank3 interaction”, tutor Prof. Annamaria
Papini; cotutor, Prof. Kristian Strømgaard. My Master Thesis was performed thanks to am
Erasmus traineeship mobility where I had the opportunity to work in the Kristian Strømgaard
Lab at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology of the University of Copenhagen.
During this experience, I deepened my understanding of medicinal chemistry, particularly in
relation to the role of peptide chemistry in pharmacology; I had the opportunity to learn the
fundamentals of drug design in this field combining tools from chemistry and biology.

Last update



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